
Waves of Change

Waves of Change flow through our lives constantly. When a surfer observes a wave forming on the horizon, they evaluate where the wave will likely break and paddle into position to catch it. If the wave is big enough to break outside of where one can conceivably position themselves to catch & ride it, a surfer focuses on how to negotiate or perhaps survive the impending turbulence. Diving under or through the wave brings one to the "other side," where calm and clarity once again govern if only for a moment. Then its time for another wave!

When changes roll in from the horizon in life, how are we responding? Ignoring them? Hoping they will go away? Surrendering to the changes, taking a breath and letting the turbulence wash over us? When we are able to resurface and take a breath, do we immediately head for the safety of shore or paddle out for another chance to ride a wave?

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